OneNotary Blog
All you need to know about online notarization with OneNotary

How to Prepare and Notarize an Advance Directive
An advance directive is one of the most important documents you can create. It allows someone to make your medical decisions if you can’t make them yourself. A designated representative becomes the decision-maker who ensures your wishes are carried out.

How to Notarize a Medical Power of Attorney
If you have someone who is not capable of making medical decisions on their own, or if you think that someone will at some point become incapable of making medical decisions on their own (such as if they are about to go under anesthesia for surgery), then you might need something called a medical power […]

How to Fill Out USPS Form 1583 Anywhere
Are you looking to rent a postal mailbox, virtual mailbox, or PO box? If so, you need to fill out USPS Form 1583. If you get confused the first time you see this form, do not panic! Even though post office form 1583 can’t look confusing, it is relatively straightforward once we walk through it […]

How to Prepare and Notarize a Will
Creating a will isn’t complicated, but it’s important to prepare it correctly and have it officially notarized. Failure to notarize it will mean it isn’t valid. Follow these steps to be sure your will can speak for you when you no longer can.

How To Notarize a Promissory Note
A promissory note is a promise to pay. If you lend money to someone, a promissory note is your proof that they have agreed to repay it. Oral contracts don’t carry as much weight as a notarized promissory note you have both signed.

Can I Get Something Notarized Outside of the US
With the proliferation of technology, the world has gotten smaller. This means more international real estate deals, marriage licenses, and will executions. All of these activities require notary services. Can you get something notarized outside of the US? The answer is yes. Although finding a suitable notary while conducting business overseas can be a challenge, […]

How to Get a Notarized Bill of Sale for Your Car
Are you going to buy or sell a car? You will need a notarized bill of sale to prove ownership has changed hands. Many states require bills of sale before you can register your new car. Both the seller and buyer should keep a copy of the notarized bill of sale. It’s not difficult to […]

How to Notarize a Power of Attorney
A power of attorney (POA) is a powerful legal document that allows someone to make important decisions about your life if you become unable to do so yourself. A POA can act on your behalf to sign financial paperwork, purchase a home, divide your property and decide where you’re going to live.